Take a moment and look at your hands. Think about all of the things you own... All of the friendships you have. Maybe you have a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife. Do you have money in your bank account?
Your first instinct would be to call that stuff your stuff. You might say, "oh look at how many DVDs I own. Look at all MY stuff!"
Is this what the Bible says though? Is any of that stuff yours? Matthew 25:14-30 talks about the Parable of the Talents. Talents in this case are money(not abilities...). To put the story into perspective... One talent was worth $720,00 which was about 25 years pay in those times. Take a few minutes to read this parable that Jesus taught.
The Master, in this parable, had ENTRUSTED his money with his servants. Notice, he did not GIVE the money to them to keep forever. In the same way, God has entrusted us with the material things of this world along with money, relationships, and other resources. It is important for us to always remember that what we have now cannot come with us to heaven and it doesn't belong to us.
The second part of this parable is what the servants did with the Talents they had been entrusted with. Two of the servants doubled their share. The third servant hid it away and did nothing with it. What are you doing with the gifts and other things God has entrusted you with? Are you generous with your money or time? Do you look out for others? We need to use these things that we have been entrusted with to further the kingdom of our Creator. :)
So it's time now for you to reflect. This was the sermon I heard in church yesterday and it really cut me to the core. Here I am, blessed with the things God has entrusted me with and I forget that I need to use it for him. It's a powerful topic that God calls us to be aware of. So how can this apply to your life? :)
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