Friday, November 11, 2011

God's Promises For Us.

We, followers of Christ, are Children of God. Chosen and called by the Creator himself. So why is it, in today's society, that we doubt God's plans for us? Media corrupts our minds, sexual immorality tempts us, and we have been covered in a blanket of lies so thick that we can no longer see the truth. This has become the norm and we struggle with breaking free from the chains that bind us. This was my life. I wasn't sure of who I was or who I wanted to be. I was in the dark even when I considered my self a strong Christian. But then, a little bit of truth shone through the darkness and I latched on to it. As I concentrated on that small truth, it began to grow until most of the darkness was consumed by it. To sift through all of the truths that have been poured out on me in the last few weeks is a hard task. It takes alot of time in prayer and in God's Word. Despite the time it takes though, my eyes have been opened to a new part of myself and my Creator each day.
Today I realized that I am not the only one in need of God's truth. This is why I have created this blog. To share my experiences with you in hopes that God will use it to inspire others to grow in him.
One of the ways I have been learning more about God is through his promises that he has given us. There are so many in his Word and we just need to go looking to find them. I recently started a journal solely for writing down God's promises for me. I will post some of these on this blog among other thoughts from my journey with God. I also encourage you to do the same with a journal. It is so calming and peaceful to be able to see God's promises written out for you to read. :)

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