Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Looking out for the Third Party

Well, I've spent alot of time this last week in conversation with other believers. To me, I see this as an answer to prayer; a way to sort through my thoughts and beliefs and also bring some new ones into perspective. Previously, I had blogged about "Who am I?" and surprisingly enough, this came up in a conversation with one of my best friends.

I was looking at the question all wrong. It's not "who am I?" but rather, "Who is God?" A verse in Genesis was what lead me to consider this question change.

So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27 NIV)

We were created in God's own image. Created with the intent that we would strive to follow in God's footsteps. So instead of going on a self fulfilling journey of finding out who I really am, I have decided to go on a God fulfilling journey of noticing His characteristics in each peice of scripture that I read. Alot of people may say, "Oh, I do this all the time." and I was one of those people before this week. However, we each cling to our own characteristic of God. Be it that He is loving, compassionate, merciful, jealous, ect... We each see God as mainly one thing. In my conversation with my bestie, she brought up that to come even a little bit closer to understanding who God is, we need to expand our horizons and search for all of the different characteristics of God. He is so complex and diverse and so often we forget about that by putting him in a specific box.

This leads me to the next part of the conversation that I had with my friend. So we strive to become closer to God. For what reason though? Is the ultimate goal to be that my relationship with God will benefit me, giving me the change at eternal life? No. While that will be a side effect of the ultimate goal, it is not the sole purpose of God wanting a relationship with us.

I see it in the picture of a waterfall which empties into a fast flowing river. Bear with me for a second and just picture that in your mind. Alright, see it? Now I will explain...

The area at the bottom of the water fall represents me (or you if you are putting this in terms of yourself). The actual waterfall represents God, who pours into you both love and forgiveness. The river that flows out from the bottom of the waterfall (remember, the bottom is you) is everyone else that you come into contact with. Do you see it yet? If the waterfall were to stop pouring into the bottom of the waterfall, all of the remaining water would flow to the river, but the bottom would dry up. Eventually there would be no more water running anywhere. God pours into us, much like the water fall, allowing us to wallow in his love and forgiveness for a time and then sending it off to everyone else that we come in contact with. It is a cycle in which it is God who is reaching to others, but by going through you.

So looking at this picture, it became clear to me that my relationship with God is not about me, but rather it is about God working through me to reach others. In the end, I will not be the only one to benefit, and I find that incredibly refreshing. When I remember this, I have motivation to spend the time in God's word and in Prayer, allowing God to pour into me so that I will have the oppertunity to be a vessel to others. It's a new perspective; one that pulls any selfish part out of my relationship with God.  I want to make sure that I never forget that third party and that I will always remember that those around me could use a touch of God's "waterfall". I am His servant and I will allow Him to work through me in any way He chooses.

Monday, July 22, 2013

An Excerpt from My Heart

July 20th, 2013

Who am I? I feel as though I have all of this creativity wrapped up in myself. Dance, music, art, writing... Where do I go with it all? I love learning and school, but it is hard to balance everything.

Lately, I've been so bitter and frustrated with the world. It's become so easy to let my emotions get the best of me. I know that I won't make it unless I turn to God. he is my stability; the one thing that I can always count on. Even with that stability, though, I am always under attack. From all angles come the questions... the accusations... This makes me realize that no matter how much I know, I will always need to ask God for the right words to say in every situation. No matter where I am at, I am a missionary, sent on a mission from God. And man, I have so many people who I would love to see meet God by allowing Him to work through me!

So now, just as Paul  came and was to all people what they needed him to be, how do I become what is needed? Is it possible that I already am what is needed in the places God is sending me? Has He prepared me in this way already?


"Get rid of all bitterness, rage, and anger, brawling and slander, ALONG WITH EVERY FORM  OF MALICE. BE KIND AND COMPASSIONATE to one another, forgiving eachother, just as in Christ, God forgave you. 
Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and LIVE A LIFE OF LOVE, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."
-Ephesians 4:31-32 and 5:1-2.