Sunday, May 12, 2013

Wrestling with Hatred

Hatred is a touchy subject, however, after today, I believe it is something that I want to take some time and focus on. The Bible presents an interesting view of hatred, providing two different perspectives. As followers of Christ, we are told in the first part of Psalm 97: 10, "You who love the LORD, hate evil!" Taking this verse at face value, it seems as though we are to be angry with every injust thing that occurs, but how do we separate hating the person who is preforming the injustice and hating the injustice? 1 John 2:9 makes it very clear that "whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness." These two verses at first seem to be in conflict, however it is a solvable conflict. God does not call me to hate the one causing any kind of injustice. Rather, we are to love that person, separating them from the injustice and through this, perhaps be able to present an alternative to the person from a loving standpoint.

I can't say that this is an easy step for me to take. Until recently, I had rarely been confronted with any feeling of hatred, but now that I have felt it, I understand how important it is to reign in hatred and prevent it from clouding my judgment and controlling my decisions. Personally, I see a combination of Psalm 97: 10 and
1 John 2:9 to be the solution to keeping hatred and anger reigned in. Rather than approaching a person while engulfed in anger, I need to look at that person who has fallen off of the narrow path, with the want to help them return to God. Through that, perhaps the person will focus on the love that you are extending to them and take the time to listen to your opinion on whatever it is they are doing. Without respect and love, no injustice will be solved.

Of course, people are not perfect and this may not always work. In that case, I am realizing that it is always up to God to change hearts, leaving us with the oppertunity to pray without ceasing.
I don't expect everyone to agree with this as every situation is different and requires unique attitudes. For me, however, this is what God is teaching me.

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