Friday, August 10, 2012

Adaptability: The Key to a Life with God in Control

Something I have chosen to participate in is the 90 Day Challenge. This challenge consists of reading the entire Bible in 90 Days or less. Yesterday was Day 2 of the Challenge and as I read the required chunk of scripture for the day, Genesis 24:50-51 really stuck out to me. "This is totally from God. We have no say in the matter, either yes or no. Rebekah is yours: Take her and go; let her be the wife of your master's son, as God has made plain." Hold this verse in your mind for a few seconds.
One of my favourite summer TV shows is the Glee Project. It's a reality TV show in which young adults compete through singing for a spot on another show, Glee. Each week has a different theme that the contestants must find a way to excell in. One of my favourite themes so far has been the theme of Adaptability. In this episode, the contestants had to learn to go with the flow. They had limited time to learn choreography and voice, as well as they had to put up with the constant changes that the show threw at them. It was clear that no matter what happened, the contestants always had to say yes.
In many ways, our lives as Christians, as followers of Christ, revolve around how adaptable we are to God's plans. We constantly ask God to be in control but what it comes down to is how willing we are to go with whatever He places before us. According to Google, adaptability is the ability to change (or be changed) to fit changed circumstances. Flexibility. Genesis 24: 50-51 seems to be the essense of adaptability! If something is from God then who are we to say no? God doesn't call us to always be happy with the situations that He places us in, but He does ask that we trust him fully and always say yes. He calls us to be adaptable.
Looking into my own life, I see that I have a long way to go with being an adaptable servant of God. To often do I try to do my own thing rather then letting God shape me into the person He created me to be. I think that most people, after doing some soul searching, would agree with me when I say that each of us have areas in our lives where we are as flexible as hardened concrete. It is those areas that we need to completely give up to God and allow Him to turn that concrete into adaptable clay.
"Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter. We are all the work of your hand."
(Isaiah 64:8)

1 comment:

  1. i'll try to read all this, but i'm really tired right now. I will tomorrow though :)

